Cinematic Addiction Films
What you watch on Netflix regarding drug addiction, depicted in either story of young people overcoming addiction or documentaries on drug addiction, depends on the mood you are in. Many people with addictions tend to retreat inside themselves because they want to hide what is happening to them. They already dream of a life without addiction to any substance.
When people with addictions see a movie of people in a story who manage to overcome their addiction problem, it provides them with a sense that if the characters could do it, then maybe they could also become free of addiction. The problem they might face is that they feel shame and humiliation for having an addiction and do not want to admit to anyone that they have an uncontrollable problem or that they may appear weak.
When they take their drugs or drink alcohol, for a brief time they achieve the “high” they love and feel strong again. But it never lasts. Instead, addicts will suffer depression, show their temper quickly with little problems, retreat from family and friends to avoid confrontations, begin skipping school or work, and turn again to another round of drugs and/or alcohol to feel better about themselves.
That is only a sample of what addicts might feel or think. There are many other reasons why addicts abuse substances, sometimes unknown to the addict until it is talked about during a counseling session. Watching movies or documentaries and seeing themselves in that video and a similar set of circumstances, could encourage them to look at entering a rehab center.
It could be that addicts see themselves in the same circumstances found in a movie, then realize what they have done to themselves and understand they have a problem. There is recognition that others have had the same problems as the viewer and went through rehab successfully. After all, that is how someone made a movie about it in the first place.
Here are several movies suggested for those who are battling addiction.
- Divines (2016): A young teenager, living in Paris, decides to become a runner for a drug dealer. She meets up with a young dancer who loves what he does, and he shows her how life can be so much better. The movie is in French but has subtitles available.
- 6 Balloons (2018): A woman with a daughter becomes aware that her brother has relapsed back into heroin addiction. They spend an evening driving around, looking for a rehab center. You see the impact that addiction has on the addict and those around him who try to help him. The actors are great, and the movie is realistic and relatable.
- Take Your Pills (2018): People are put on prescription pills all the time for one problem or another, such as Adderall and Ritalin, and many get addicted to them. Opioids are also another dangerous drug that must be monitored. This movie shows the consequences of abusing these legitimate drugs and how they can affect people’s lives.
Here is another listing of good movies about people in recovery who may relate to some of these movies’ topics.
- Clean and Sober (1988): About a man named Daryl who is recovering from cocaine addiction and commits to living a sober life after recognizing he has a substance abuse problem.
- When a Man Loves a Woman (1994): About a married woman who has a dangerous drinking problem and how the husband and children must deal with the repercussions. It is all about relationships and how those who love the addict, find ways to navigate the situation.
- A Star is Born (2018): A famous musician, Jackson, meets Ally, an aspiring singer. She has alcohol and drug addiction problems. The movie deals with intimate relationships and the effects of addiction which become a problem for the pair.
When Your Significant Person is Suffering Addiction
If you fall in love with someone who has addiction issues, it becomes a very difficult relationship. Addiction issues also affect the non-addicted partner, particularly when your partner is emotionally unavailable when you need them most.
For addicts, their relationship with substances takes priority, especially when they cannot access their substances (drugs, alcohol). Their first step is to get their substance and then once taken, they feel they can interact with you better. Emotions may also be erratic, or the person remains emotionally distant as they cope with their own problems.
You, as the non-addicted partner in the relationship, must recognize that this is not the person you love, but an outcome of actions taken by your partner to be in emotional survival mode. If you find that you do not know how to handle this situation, call an addiction center to speak with someone about your issue and get valuable help and insights on how to move forward.
While it can be difficult dating someone in recovery from drug addiction, you can help by being a positive and loving force in their life. Having you in their life can help with keeping them on a straight road to recovery.

Getting Help for Prescription Drug Addiction
Getting the right help for your substance addiction, or for your partner, is very important. The sooner you can start in rehab, the sooner you can accomplish your goal to exist without substance addiction. Never try to stop abruptly on your own as it can be very dangerous, especially if you are alone.
This is particularly true when it comes to prescription addiction. Pacific Bay Recovery, a well-known prescription drug addiction rehab center in San Diego, has many treatment options to help anyone addicted to prescription drugs. Call us today to find out how to take the next step toward recovery. 619-350-8220.