Private Alcohol Detox & Residential Treatment
Choosing sobriety signifies the first important step of the recovery journey. With your sights set on an alcohol-free life, you look forward to the many rewards of a sober lifestyle. To launch your journey to recovery you must start with alcohol detox. The detox and withdrawal phase allows your body to eliminate the alcohol toxins and start rehab on stable footing.
If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, call Pacific Bay Recovery at 619-350-8220
How Alcohol Impacts the Brain
Alcoholism is a disease of the brain. The habitual consumption of alcohol over time impacts the brain in several ways. These include:
- The brain’s reward system records the pleasant effects of alcohol as something to re-experience.
- Alcohol suppresses dopamine, which results in altered brain pathways.
- Alcohol causes over-production of norepinephrine and serotonin.
When withdrawal symptoms emerge it is a signal that alcohol dependency has developed. These symptoms indicate that the brain now expects the presence of alcohol, and without it the body’s systems become unstable.
Call Pacific Bay Recovery now at 619-350-8220 to learn more about our alcohol detox and residential at our private location.

Alcohol and Mental Health

Dual Diagnosis
When alcohol use disorder (AUD) co-occurs with a mental health disorder it is termed a dual diagnosis. Dual diagnosis often results from the use of alcohol as a maladaptive coping tool. Alcohol helps to numb the unpleasant symptoms of an existing mental health disorder like depression or anxiety. Over time, however, the brain becomes dependent on the alcohol, which results in co-occurring disorders.

Treating Together
Because both the AUD and the mental health issue are linked, a dual diagnosis treatment protocol is needed. This ensures that both the alcohol addiction and the psychiatric disorder are both treated at the same time. Achieving a sustained recovery depends on addressing both disorders in treatment.
You can overcome alcohol dependence with the right support. Call Pacific Bay Recovery at 619-350-8220
About the Alcohol Detox Process
Alcohol detox is the process of purging all residual alcohol from the body. Withdrawal symptoms start to surface 6-12 hours after the last drink. These symptoms are the result of the body and brain attempting to adjust to the absence of alcohol. This occurs because ongoing alcohol abuse had slowed the nerve activity in the central nervous system. During detox, the body struggles to recalibrate.
Medical detox is advised for managing alcohol withdrawal safely. This is especially important for someone with a moderate to severe AUD.
Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe. The following factors play a role in the severity of symptoms:
- Duration of alcoholism. The history of the disordered drinking is a key predictor of withdrawal symptom severity.
- Daily alcohol consumption. The amount of alcohol consumed on a daily basis is a predictor for symptom severity.
- Prior detox history. Someone with a history of multiple prior alcohol detox attempts is at a higher risk of the delirium tremens (DTs).
- General health status. Chronic medical conditions and age may increase the risks of detox.
- Co-occurring mental health disorder. A co-occurring mental health issue, such as anxiety, bipolar, or depression, can impact withdrawal symptoms.
- Poly-substance addiction. If there are additional substance use disorders it complicates detox and can enhance the discomforts of withdrawal.

What to Expect in Alcohol Detox
During detox, the medically trained team will provide medications to ease the withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings. This support is critical if the detox is to be successful. Without assistance and medical interventions, the person is likely to give up and return to drinking.
Alcohol detox should only be attempted while under the care of medical professionals. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are often unpredictable and sometimes dangerous, which is why a monitored inpatient setting is advised.
The length of the detox phase varies by individual, but averages seven days. Alcohol detox and withdrawal unfolds in three stages:
- Stage 1: This is the emerging stage of detox where symptoms begin about six hours after the last drink. During this phase, which lasts a day, the symptoms include shaking, nausea and vomiting, agitation, and headache.
- Stage II: Days 2-4 feature peak discomfort as the symptoms peak. Unpleasant and even dangerous symptoms occur during Stage II. These may include heart palpitations, increased heart rate, hypertension, panic attacks, hallucinations, fever, confusion, profuse sweating, mood swings, and irritability.
- Stage III: The final stage begins after day four and may persist for days or even weeks. Stage III features depression, anxiety, confusion, insomnia, and cravings. Most of the earlier symptoms taper off at this stage.
Don’t put your life or your long-term health at risk. Call us today at 619-350-8220
What Are the DTs?
The DTs are a serious event that occurs during days 3-4 of the alcohol detox process. The condition may develop quickly and without warning, which may necessitate emergency medical intervention.
Risk factors for the DTs include:
- Being over age fifty
- Abnormal liver function
- History of seizures during prior detox attempts
- Co-occurring mental health disorder
- Severe AUD
The DTs occur in about 5% of those going through alcohol detox, and proves to be fatal in 15% of those individuals. Symptoms that the detox team will be watching for include:
- Mental confusion
- Profuse sweating
- Loss of coordination
- Hallucinations or delusions
- High blood pressure
- Tachycardia

From Detox into Rehabilitation
The medical detox team provides withdrawal management support to guide you safely through the first step of recovery. To achieve long-term sobriety, however, you will need to complete a treatment program.
Alcohol rehab provides the needed tools and education that will allow you to overcome the deeply ingrained drinking habits. It takes time to unravel the addiction behaviors and create new healthy responses to triggers and cravings. To this end, the duration of your stay is determined by the severity of the AUD.
Treatment involves assorted therapies, group sessions, and holistic therapies that help you establish new thought and behavior patterns. These include:
- Psychotherapy sessions
- Group therapy
- Medication
- Family group
- 12-step program
- Life skills classes
- Holistic methods
- Nutrition and exercise
Recovery from AUD begins by taking that first essential step – completing the detox and withdrawal process. A medical detox setting will provide the safest environment to accomplish this important goal.
Pacific Bay Recovery can help you or a loved one overcome alcoholism. Reach out today to speak with a recovery support expert.
Call our alcohol detox in today at 619-350-8220 for more information.