Many people go through detoxification (detox), whether it is related to alcohol or drugs. It is a fact you can die from alcohol detox,due to the lack of the alcohol chemical the body has been used to for some time. Going through this alcohol detox, around 5 percent of all heavy alcoholics will die. This is significant number, especially considering that 2.5 million alcoholics seek substance abuse treatment each year in America alone.

Drug detox some great findings would be 70 percent is the highest among patients discharged from hospital residential treatment center, detox at 67% and short term residential treatments follows at 59%. The treatment competition rates were much lower in long term and or less structured settings at 44% and outpatient came in at 40%.
Differences between Alcohol and Drug Detox
With these statistics in mind, we need to now look at the difference between alcohol and drug detoxification. The two processes are similar but different in the actual way they are conducted by centers. Both can be done at a residential facility where the patient is detoxed in a few days and under medical supervision.
In some cases, detox is done with medical prescription drugs to help with the withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms include seizures, headaches, physical shakes, depression, emotional mood swings, outbursts, fatigue, and a heart attack. The differences with the detox between alcohol and drugs would involve the approach of the treatments, as well as the method used by the counselor who gives you therapy and counseling.

The cravings and triggers for drugs and alcohol are different, so the therapy and coping skills are taught and presented differently to the individuals and to the groups. Drug detox will get rid of all the toxins in your body that accumulate from the drugs. This helps your body adjust slowly back to normal. Detox will also get rid of the alcohol toxins, as well, but you have to be aware that by medically detoxing doesn’t come without side effects. Some individuals who take methadone and Suboxone never stop taking the drug, or they completely relapse to their drug of choice. So, choosing the right treatment and center is crucial to your success.
Holistic Detox Approach
Some success in drug and alcohol abuse has been seen by centers taking a holistic approach to detoxification. These facilities use programs that exercise regiments, nutritional programs, and saunas, as sweating the toxins from the body naturally freeing the toxins from the body. After completing the holistic approach to detox, many patients report that they have reduced cravings for drugs. They feel happier, are more alert, and think clearer, giving them a stronger will to continue the next steps in the rehab program and getting on their way to a happier healthier drug free life without addiction.
Pacific Bay Recovery offers exceptional drug and alcohol detox programs along with rehab programs that are effective and long lasting. Call us today to find out about the best addiction treatment center in San Diego!
Resources (2014). Alcohol Information and detox facts and myths. Retrieved from: detox-facts-and-myths/
SAMHSA (2014). A Life in the community for everyone . Retrieved from: