Is Addiction Genetic?

According to numerous studies, addiction has a 50% genetic predisposition, with environment and poor coping skills contributing to the other 50%. The children of addictions are 8 times more likely to develop some type of addiction. Around 100 million people in America have at least one alcoholic drink daily, and approximately 18 million people are alcoholics. In addition, 23 million people admitted to using an illicit drug during the last year. Drug addiction is a serious problem with a major genetic component.

Signs That Your Loved One Needs Inpatient Drug Rehab

26 Aug Signs That Your Loved One Needs Inpatient Drug Rehab
Posted at 16:14h in Blog by admin4 0 Comments

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 23.5 million people aged 12 and older needed treatment for illicit alcohol or drug abuse in 2009. Of these individuals, 11% received treatment at an inpatient rehabilitation (rehab) facility. There are warning signs to alert you if a loved one needs treatment.

How To Tell If Someone Needs Inpatient Drug Treatment

If you have a friend or loved one struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, there are signs to alert you of the problem. While you may be in the position to help, the person’s recovery is ultimately his or her own responsibility. The people who need drug/alcohol detoxification (detox) are often the ones who struggle in a state of denial. It often takes someone they care about to point out the problem and let the person know that inpatient rehabilitation (rehab) is the only thing that will help.

90 Day Treatment Plan for Addiction in San Diego

4 Stages of Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Millions of Americans have a drinking problem. Seeking treatment can be scary for most people since they have no clue what happens in a rehab or how bad their withdrawal symptoms would be. Remember that going through a professional rehab program increases your chances of recovery manifold.

How To Get Help for Your Teenager with Drug Addiction

You may be the greatest parent in the world, or your teenager may be the best child you could have ever wished for!

However, there is still no guarantee that your teenager won’t experiment with the wrongly hyped drugs. Today, many kids are tempted to abuse medical prescriptions due to peer pressure, media, depression, anxiety, and other similar problems.

What Are The Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol abuse can be defined as the consumption of alcohol at a level that affects the physical, mental and social integrity of an individual. Alcohol abuse can cut across age, gender and ethnicity, and it affects the individuals involved in different ways. Usually, the symptoms … Read more

90 Day Treatment Plan for Addiction in San Diego

4 Simple Steps To Drug De-Addiction

Highly addictive and equally destructive, drug addiction destroys millions of lives every day. Many people know they need a drug rehab but few have the courage to actually seek help at a good rehab. The best San Diego drug rehab centers, such as Pacific Bay … Read more

4 Most Importance Facts About Heroin Detox

Heroin addiction is not easy to treat mainly because heroin affects brain functions causing a strongdrug dependence on the drug. De-addiction from heroin is not a small feat especially due to the unpredictable symptoms of withdrawal. De-addiction specialists at the top medical detox center in … Read more

3 Secrets To Recover from Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis is the co-existence of substance abuse and a behavioral disorder or mental illness. Many people suffering from drug abuse issues also have behavioral issues such as anxiety, depression and other behavioral disorders. Often the two conditions fuel each other making the situation more … Read more

90 Day Treatment Plan for Addiction in San Diego

3 Things To Look for In A Drug And Alcohol Rehab

The decision to seek a rehab is not a small one. When you are looking for a drug and alcohol rehab center for yourself or a loved one, there are a number of factors you should look into before making a final decision. By asking these 3 questions, you will be able to find one that is best for you.

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