90 Day Treatment Plan for Addiction in San Diego

4 Facts About Addiction You Should Know

Drug addiction is a menace that grows with each passing day. From prescription and recreational drugs to alcohol, substance abuse affects millions. Here are a few facts about drug addiction and control that you should know. How much does the United States spend annually on … Read more

90 Day Treatment Plan for Addiction in San Diego

The 4-Step Drug Detoxification Process

The drug detoxification process is a systematic process that involves withdrawal from the abused substance, easing the discomfort and preparing the addict for the recovery journey. It is usually followed by inpatient treatment for complete recovery. STOPPING THE DRUG The first step is to stop … Read more

90 Day Treatment Plan for Addiction in San Diego

How Top Rehab Centers Achieve Remission for Addiction

Spontaneous remission from drug and/or alcohol addiction is rare. This is because addiction is difficult to treat. Remission from addiction is possible, however. Find out how you can get clean and stay clean. What are the dangers associated with addiction? Addiction and alcoholism are neurological, … Read more

90 Day Treatment Plan for Addiction in San Diego

Why 90 Day Programs Are Better Than 30 Day Programs

Deciding to go to rehab is a big decision. However, it is the first step of recovery: admitting you need help. You have made the decision to stop the addiction and get professional help. Now, what are your treatment options? Find out why 90 day … Read more

90 Day Treatment Plan for Addiction in San Diego

How is it Best to Treat a Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis treatment is a new concept in the field of addiction therapy and recovery. Up until the 1990s, people with mental health problems were treated separately than those who sought help from alcohol and drug use/abuse. However, certain conditions overlap, so a person can … Read more

Alcohol Consumption And Abuse

Drinking alcohol is not always a problem. People often drink to relax, socialize and celebrate.  But alcohol’s effects vary from person to person, depending on – Drinking too much and too often can cause put you at an increased risk for a variety of problems. … Read more

90 Day Treatment Plan for Addiction in San Diego

The Chicken or Egg Story – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders

A highly successful approach to addiction that involves both dealing with substance abuse and mental health, dual diagnosis treatment is increasingly the preferred treatment. Till quite recently, substance abuse treatment would begin with the overcoming substance addiction before working to treat any psychological disorder. Treating … Read more

90 Day Treatment Plan for Addiction in San Diego

The Ultimate Addiction Recovery Guide

Addiction is a disease that needs complete treatment like any other disease. Once you decide to seek help for your substance abuse problem, there are certain steps you need to go through for complete recovery. All good rehabs follow this process to ensure that you … Read more

90 Day Treatment Plan for Addiction in San Diego

Addiction – A Disease

Addiction changes the brain in many ways, altering a person’s views about his/her priorities. These result in compulsive behaviors that take over the ability to make logical decisions and control impulses despite the knowledge of outcomes. These signs are similar to hallmarks of mental illness. … Read more

You May Be Addicted To Your Pain Killer

Many people who suffer from chronic pain become dependent on pain medication. Prescription drug addiction is a growing concern in the United States where millions suffer from chronic pain. Pain, like drugs, does not just affect the body. Untreated pain can lead to severephysical as … Read more

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