Can Alcohol Cause Depression?

Written by Nigel Ford Alcohol is most commonly used in our society to help promote sociability, but many people also use it to numb undesirable feelings. Lots of people use anxiety to help them manage anxiety, depression, and stress. What’s ironic about this is that … Read more

Give Rehab Another Chance

People who suffer from substance use disorder or a process addiction have to suffer a great deal before they are identified with the problem and given proper treatment. However, rehabilitation does not work for everyone. There are a number of patients who fail it. But … Read more

What do Adult Children of Alcoholics go through?

Alcoholism doesn’t just affect the person with the substance abuse disorder. It affects everyone around them, especially their children. Growing up in an atmosphere affected by alcoholism involves illogical thinking, inconsistency and unclear roles. Children of alcoholics may carry this trauma throughout their lives. That’s … Read more

Alcoholism & Social Media

An overwhelming number of people use social media on a daily basis all over the world. It has tremendous reach and impact and what circulates there finds its imprints in the lives of almost everyone. Alcohol-related content has among the highest circulation/readership on the internet. Given its vast implications, you find such content to be almost ubiquitous online. This ranges from proper advertisements of liquor to individuals posting selfies while consuming alcohol to influencers/bloggers advertently or inadvertently promoting lifestyles where alcohol is prevalent.

What Happens When An Addict Fails Treatment Recovery?

Ideally, all addiction patients who go through the recovery process will recover from their disease and never relapse. Unfortunately, the world is not perfect, and many times, patients relapse. After a relapse, many addiction patients may find it very difficult to return to the recovery process. However, it is important to remember than many people experience relapse, and it is never too late, nor is a patient ever too far gone to begin the recovery process again.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Many people who suffer from a variety of substance abuse issues also suffer from some kind of mental illness. This is called dual diagnosis because the person suffers from multiple illnesses. The Journal of the American Medical Association states that the number of people suffering … Read more

Who needs Residential Addiction Rehab?

Drug and alcohol addiction affects millions every year. When the individual is able to overcome denial and agree to professional help and treatment, it is a big leap for them. However, it is important to know that there are various treatment plans available, based on … Read more

Hashish addiction

Hashish addiction

Hashish addiction is a plant derivative substance, extracted from the trichomes, flowers, and fragments of leaves and stems of the cannabis plant. It contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the same active ingredient found in marijuana, but at a much higher concentration (up to 15% in … Read more

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