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Alternative Drug and Alcohol Rehab

A lot of people have a misunderstanding about what Alternative Drug and Alcohol Rehab really is. Most of these facilities are similar to retreats, located in beautifully landscaped areas. They don’t seem like a hospital setting at all. The goal of this type of treatment is to help you understand how the brain works and how your drug or alcohol addiction tricks you into thinking that you need that drink or need that next fix to get by. This approach to drug and alcohol addiction has a success rate far higher than traditional settings as it is more relaxed and focuses on you and the addiction at the same time.

No 12-Step Programs

Working “the steps” isn’t right for everyone who is struggling with an addiction. You are not powerless over this disease. Rather, you control your destiny. While the disease may have a temporary hold over you, it is not permanent. The 12-steps work for those that require this type of structure, but for those that think outside the box, have free spirits, and require something out of the norm, it can be a recipe for disaster. Alternative drug and alcohol rehab works on your whole body, not just your disease.

Getting in Touch with your Spiritual Side

Alternative Drug and Alcohol Rehab not only focuses on re-channeling your urge to use through meditation, exercise, and other options, but it also focuses on getting you in touch with your spiritual side. While faith is important in some programs, administrators do understand that not everyone is faith-based. For these individuals, a different approach to spirituality is taken. Nature is a great healer, and once your mind is clear and free from drugs and alcohol, you can appreciate nature more. For many, going into nature or taking a walk through a park works well when temptation knocks.

Alternative Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Using Motion and Exercise to Fight the Urge to Use Again

Instead of taking that drink or using that drug, alternative drug and alcohol rehab teaches you how to use your body to fight through trigger situations and urges to use. This means that with certain cravings or temptations, yoga or meditation is the answer. When feelings of anger arise from temptation, exercise works well. These programs teach you how to use your body to take control of those temptations and turn negative energy into a peaceful calm.  It is important for patients to create these calm spaces in their homes once they complete the program. It helps to maintain what was learned in treatment and continue to use those lessons at home.

Some believe that alternative rehab brainwashes patients into believing in higher powers and crazy tactics to prevent them from using. This is not always the case. It is simply a different approach to traditional 12-step-based programs. The high success rate of those leaving alternative programs far surpasses traditional rehab programs. While it is not for everyone, alternative rehab works for most without a return inpatient care in the future. Consider this as an option, especially if you are not a traditional person.

Contact Pacific Bay Recovery Today

At Pacific Bay Recovery, our team is committed to guiding each of our clients through every step of their recovery journey. Whether you have questions about or programs or need assistance with the admission process. Our team is ready and eager to help and support you. Call us at 866-745-7056 for more information. Start your path to recovery with a free, confidential consultation, and learn about an alternative drug and alcohol rehab. Let us help you take the first step toward a healthier, happier future.