What Causes Post Partum Depression?

Various research has shown that women are almost twice as susceptible to depression as men. A very primary source of mood change and depression in women is hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy and the menstrual cycle. Speaking on pregnancy, over the years, one form of depression seems to lead many women into addiction and substance abuse – Post Partum Depression.

Four in five women experience baby blues shortly after conception, but sometimes, much later, baby blues get a little more serious. One reason for these numbers is the lack of information on this condition.

In today’s article, we’ll learn what Post-Partum Depression is and how to ensure it is treated effectively!


While the birth of a baby is fondly associated with positive emotions such as excitement, the harsh reality shows that mood swings and anxiety may also be experienced after conception. Depression is one of those emotions.

When prolonged depression occurs after childbirth, this mood disorder is known as Post-Partum Depression or Postpartum Psychosis. Post-Partum Depression can affect any woman of any age, race, income level, education, or ethnicity.

However, certain factors make women more susceptible to Post-Partum Depression (PPD), such as a previous history of mental illnesses, marital problems, teenage pregnancy, financial challenges, alcohol or drug abuse, single parenting, unplanned pregnancy, or having a baby with special needs. In addition, lack of emotional support or other emotional stressors may also lead to PPD.

One of the reasons substance abuse is associated with PPD is because of the perception of PPD as a character flaw or as being a bad mother. Retrospectively, it is important to note that PPD is not a character flaw, as some may think. There’s no reason to shame people or feel ashamed about it. It’s a medical condition, and more than 10-15% of all women experience it after childbirth.

If you feel hopeless or empty after childbirth, chances are you have PPD; the good news is that treatment for Post-Partum Depression works and is as effective in healing and recovery from this condition.


If any of these signs persist for two weeks after having a new baby, then it becomes imperative to consult a doctor.

–         Feeling overwhelmed or angry often

–         Crying a lot

–         Mood swings, feeling edgy and high irritability

–         Thoughts of hurting your baby or yourself (self-harm)

–         Not feeling connected to your baby

–         Having trouble with your memory

–         Feeling worthless or guilty

–         Loss of interest in hobbies or activities that were previously enjoyed

–         Lack of sleep or excessive sleeping

–         Regular and persistent headaches or pains

–         Loss of appetite

–         Anxiety and panic attacks

Women who have any of these signs may feel like they are bad moms or may be embarrassed to share, which may lead them to resort to alcohol misuse or other substance abuse; but these are some signs that show the need to treat the post-partum disorder. Getting the right help at the right time makes all the difference in the journey to recovery!


Late treatment of Post-Partum Depression could be very disastrous and may graduate in a rare condition known as Postpartum Psychosis and Manic bipolar depression. Postpartum Psychosis comes with symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, maniac behavior, hyperactivity, severe agitation, or restlessness.

Mothers may begin to have suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming their baby. Hence hospitalization and psychotherapy are always required. Substance abuse is also common in some mothers with a previous track record of addiction to alcohol or drugs. An Accredited Substance Rehab Center such as that at Pacific Bay Recovery of San Diego can help addicted mothers with recovery. The need for prompt treatment cannot be overemphasized.


Post Partum depression treatment depends on the stage of the disorder and the type and severity of symptoms experienced. Treatment of Post-Partum Depression is usually done by therapy with the health of a licensed mental health professional or prescription of antidepressant medication, or both.

Choosing a suitable treatment method is just as crucial as getting treated for PPD early enough.

Getting enough rest, spending time with loved ones, maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding alcohol consumption, staying hydrated, and engaging in recreational activities are just as important in helping mothers recover from Post-Partum Depression.

In severe cases, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be used. Regardless of the treatment method, it is important to note that help is always available. Talk to your medical doctor about the best options available for you.


According to the American Psychological Association, half of all women diagnosed with Post-Partum Depression are experiencing any form of depression for the first time.

In today’s world, the importance of a community is becoming increasingly evident. A support group can price very crucial in recovery from Post-Partum Depression. At Pacific Bay Recovery, you have just the right support and the right personnel you need to help you recover from Post-Partum Depression.

Many women may assume they are abnormal, and other mothers are simply basking in the euphoria of having a baby, but this is not entirely true. A support group goes a long way to prove this and keep mothers back within a sense of reality.

In most cases, the best facility or method for treating Post-Partum Depression may involve a combination of several options. Meditational and spiritual activities such as yoga can prove very helpful. Journaling may also help some women.

Understanding the risks of taking antidepressant medications during pregnancy or breastfeeding is also important to get the best out of your treatment, which is why it is important to seek medical and professional advice only. At rehab centers such as Pacific Bay Recovery, professionalism with confidentiality is a guarantee.

Like other forms of depression, sometimes people with Post Partum depression may not be aware of their condition. It is important to help them get all the help they can when any sign or symptom is recognized and help them seek medical attention.

Hoping and wishful thinking rarely help the situation. Getting help is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength. Get the help of a medical professional and loved ones to ensure the best facility. Our Pacific Bay Recovery’s Licensed professionals at San Diego Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers will provide a totalitarian approach to Post Partum depression treatment, addictions, depression, rehabilitation, and recovery.

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