4 Signs of a Relapse

For people in recovery, relapse is big concern. Relapse can be a step backward, compromising your hard-earned progress. Contrary to popular belief, relapse doesn’t happen abruptly. It creeps up on you in stages, and there are red flags before a person experiences a full-blown relapse.


Engaging in reckless behaviors or decision-making can impact your recovery even if those actions do not directly involve drugs or alcohol. Healthy risk-taking can aid recovery by helping you to move past your comfort zone but impulsive decisions can prove self-destructive, and lead you to pick up alcohol or drugs again.

Negative thoughts and emotions

Persistent feelings of self-pity, sadness, frustration, and isolation can impact your recovery. You may feel deprived during early recovery, but with treatment, you can learn how to cope with difficult emotions and establish healthy thinking patterns. If you notice yourself falling prey to negative thoughts and emotions, they may trigger a relapse.

Neglecting responsibilities

A lack of motivation to fulfill your responsibilities could be another red flag. If you find yourself, or your loved one in recovery, skipping support group meetings or falling out of your routine, seek help right away.

Lying and denial

Right before a relapse, people may tell themselves that a small amount of a substance won’t hurt. This is a dangerous thought for those in recovery. Alternately, the person may be making repeated excuses to cover up certain behaviors. Being honest and sound judgment are critical to a successful recovery.

Seek help if you spot any of the above-mentioned red flags.


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